If you have received a Local Para Champions (LPC) grant this allocation year (Round 1,2,3 or 4 2024/25) to attend a state or national championships, you are eligible to receive another grant this allocation year to attend an international competition. If you are not attending an international competition, you will be eligible to apply for another grant at the start of the next allocation year.
If you have received a grant to attend an international competition, you can receive another grant this allocation year to attend a state, national or another international competition.
If you have received two grants this allocation year (Round 1,2,3 or 4 2024/25), you are ineligible to receive another grant.
To check if you have received a LPC grant this allocation year:
- Login to your smartygrants account at - Home Page - Australian Sports Commission (smartygrants.com.au)
- Click on my submissions at the top of the screen
- Scroll down to the Submitted Forms section
Identify the last Local Para Champions application you submitted. This will tell you the round and allocation year it was submitted. Compare this with the current round that is open